Everyone wants to get healthy but many have no idea where to start! Are you feeling tired all the time, sluggish after not doing much throughout the day? I was that person! I worked a 10 hour day on my feet, I had a commute to and from work - then to get home and have to be the mother...cooking cleaning! Bleh! I was a HOT MESS! Then I discovered It Works Greens! My savior! I never really have been one to eat my fruits and vegetables as we should...just not a fan. I love eating fruit in the summer when it is in season - but lets face it - it is just not the same during winter months! Then add to it I can go without it no problem...well as it turned out it was a huge problem for me. I started taking my greens daily and boy could I feel the difference, even my sleep improved. 

Alkalize, energize, and detoxify wherever you go with Greens on the Go™ in a sweet berry flavor. This convenient, single serving packet of Greens is now powered by an even better pH-balancing blend, supercharged with an acidity-fighting combination of magnesium and potassium for even more alkalizing properties. The addition of a cutting-edge probiotic helps you maintain that healthy balance by keeping your digestive system regular and toxins flowing out.

With multiple servings of fruits and vegetables and a blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods, Greens provides naturally occurring, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes to give your already well-balanced diet a nutritional boost.

Just mix, shake, and take your Greens on the Go!   

  • Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body
  • Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend
  • Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health
  • 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods
  • Multiple servings of fruits and vegetables in every packet
  • Free radical-fighting antioxidants
  • Great-tasting berry flavor 

I have been able to take them with me - drink them with 8 oz of water and all my fruits and veggies were consumed! Berry is my favorite flavor but there is also an orange flavor too! I drink both so that I do not get bored with just one flavor. It can be mixed into water, juice, or even protein shakes! 

Sizes & Values

Site Width - set the width of the site content area including the canvas padding.

Canvas Padding - control the amount of spacing around the inside of the canvas area.

Top Padding - adjusts the amount of spacing at the top of the site, outside the canvas area.

Navigation Link Spacing - sets the relative amount of spacing between each navigation link.

Header Padding - control the amount of spacing at the bottom of the header area, below the site title and navigation. 

Page Padding - sets the amount of spacing at the top and bottom of each page in the site.

Footer Padding - controls the amount of spacing at the top of the footer area.

Logo Size (Max) - sets the maximum height of the site logo you have uploaded.

Social Icon Size - set the size of the (non-social-block) social icons. 

Template Options

Layout Style - determines the layout of the header area (logo and navigation).

Page Borders - control the size/display style of all site borders.

Underline Body Links - toggle the underline on all body links. 

Social Icon Style - sets the template specific (non-social icon block) social icons style.

Hide Social Icons - toggle the display of the template specific (non-social icon block) social icon links.


Index Styles

(custom gallery)

Index Thumb Title Color - sets the color of the thumbnail title for each index item.

Index Thumb Background Color - sets the color behind the thumbnail image for each index item.

Index Thumb Titles - choose the font and size used for the thumbnail title text.

Index Sidebar Width - sets the width of the sidebar displaying the title and description of the item.

Thumbnails Per Row - controls the number of columns used on your Index page.

Thumbnail Ratio - sets the size and shape of the thumbnail images based on a ratio. 

Thumbnail Padding - controls the amount of space in between each index item thumbnail image.

Thumbnail Opacity - sets the initial amount of transparency that should be used on index item thumbnail images.

Thumbnail Hover Opacity - sets the transparency of the thumbnail image on hover.

Hide Thumbnail Titles - toggle the display of the thumbnail title for each index item.

Thumbnails on Open Page - show or hide the index thumbnails at the bottom of an index item view.


Blog Styles

Blog Meta Color - sets the color used on article meta data (date, comment, like & share).

Blog Sidebar Width - controls the width of the sidebar on the blog list and item view. 

Blog Post Spacing - sets the amount of spacing between each blog post on the list view.

Product Styles

Product Background Color - sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color - sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to 'overlay.'

Products Per Row - determines the number of products shown per line on the product list.

Product List Titles - controls the position of the product title on the product list.

Product List Alignment - sets the text alignment of the product title on the product list.

Product Item Size - select an image ratio for the product photo on the product list. 

Product Image Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the image area or fit within.

Product Gallery Size - select an image ratio for the product gallery on the product item page.

Product Gallery Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the gallery area or fit within.

Show Product Price - shows the price on the product list page when enabled.

Show Product Item Nav - shows the 'back to shop' link on the product item page.


Event Styles

Event Time Format - toggle between 24 hour or AM/PM for event times.

Event Icons - enable icons on the address and event time display.

Event Thumbnails - show an image thumbnail in list view.

Event Thumbnail Size - controls the size (ratio width:height) of the event thumbnail image.

Event Date Label - enable date overlay on top of event thumbnail.

Event Date Label Time - include the time of the event with the date overlay.

Event Excerpts - show optional excerpt text of events on the list view when present. 

Event List Date - show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time - show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address - show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links - show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons - show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View - enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View - enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas. 

Gallery Block
This is an example. To display your Instagram posts, double-click here to add an account or select an existing connected account. Learn more