Inner beauty is not something that everyone has, rather something everyone can have and should share! Taking the time to get to know who you are inside and out is not only good for you but for those around you! As a mom I had the bad habit of making sure everyone else was taken care of before I worried about myself. Unfortunately/fortunately I learned that if I do not take care of myself who is left to take care of them. Ok sure, their father would do fine - but we all know that mom's have that special touch - a different bond with our kids than their fathers do. And let's be serious in all of this - I take care of him too! I used to feel guilty ANYTIME, and I mean ANYTIME I did anything away from my kids outside of going to work, or the grocery store. Silly I now, but I was working retail - anywhere from 50-60 hours a week, nights and weekends included so I felt like I was gone enough without adding too it. Well in wanting to spend more time with them I started losing who I was. Years later here we are with me trying to save one person from the same trap - or helping one person get out!
I know not everyone reading this is a mom - but this was too funny not to share!
So you are standing there looking in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the radiant beautiful woman that want to see? I have never really been the person to be glammed up all the time but I have noticed one thing that holds true at least for me! The prettier I feel on the outside the more exuberant I am from the inside. I smile more, I laugh more, I fell more confident than days where I do not get dolled up. I am not saying everyone needs to go out and put on tons of makeup and hide behind the makeup - I am saying - take pride in your appearance! I am saying - put your outfit together the night before, match the jewelry you have to go with it, or simply put on mascara if you normally do not. The little details as with most anything in life are what set things apart!
I found myself falling into that BLAH trap! I was working so much I did not care how I looked - most days I was getting up at 5:30am and had to be at work by 7am and knowing I was going to work 10-12 hours was not really worried about what I looked like, I through my hair up, got dressed and was out the door. Now fast forward to 2016 - I still get up by 530a, usually before that and head to the gym before work...what who is this person? I realized I had to stop making excuses and put action behind the complaints I was making about myself! My goal is to get to the gym 3-4 days a week anything beyond that is above the goal! I was not active I had gotten into the blah funk so bad and I finally said NO MORE! I am not trying to become model fit but I want to be able to rock any out fit I do want to walk into a store and pick out any outfit I want and be able to rock it!!